Our Mission

Committed to innovation to develop sustainable energy solutions from renewable fuels, we want to contribute to the construction of a clean energy future

Our Vision

To be the largest producer of renewable fuels by 2030 in Portugal, boosting regional development and contributing to societal decarbonization through renewable energy production

We are a certified and award-winning company

Our commitment to quality

Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment and Safety

Our Values


Innovative technology development and application to enable efficient production of renewable gases.


We maintain high standards of trust with all our partners, a brand of the Dourogás Group.


To encourage sustainable solutions in all areas of business, we employ renewable and sustainable energy sources.


We give high-quality service to our clients while adhering to Dourogás standards, relying on close proximity and ongoing personnel training

Our History

Dourogás Renovável – Gas Producer, SA founded by the Dourogás group in 2012. Since its inception, it has been an integral part of several research projects in biogas and biomethane, acting as a catalyst for Research and Development (R&D) activities within the Dourogás group.


Be the largest producer of renewable fuels in Portugal


First injection of biomethane into the network (Mirandela)


Green Hydrogen Production - LightsourceBP Partnership 

First biomethane vehicle supply (Frielas)

Start of the construction of the infrastructures for the production of biomethane, green hydrogen and e-methane


Development of innovation projects: Solargasmove and Hidrogasmove (Frielas)


Development of innovative project: Biogasmove (Urjais) 


Creation of Dourogás Renovável

Our team

Pedro Oliveira

Business Unit Leader

João Filipe Jesus

Head of Corporate Finance

Paulo Preto dos Santos

Head of Hydrogen & E-fuels

Joaquim Marques

Project & Trading Manager

Luís Ramalho

Renewables Project Coordinator

Maria Côrte-Real

Junior Finance and Sustainability Analyst

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